Better Medicare Alliance: 5 Medicare Advantage Expanded Supplemental Benefits with Number of Plans Offering Them in CY2020 and CY2021

  1. Adult Day Health Services: 63 in CY2020; 88 in CY2021
  2. Home-Based Palliative Care: 58 in CY2020; 128 in CY2021
  3. In-Home Support Services: 148 in CY2020; 296 in CY2021
  4. Support for Caregivers of Enrollees: 77 in CY2020; 87 in CY2021
  5. Therapeutic Massage: 180 in CY2020; 152 in CY2021
  6. Plans Offering More Than One Benefit: 96 in CY2020; 175 in CY20201
Notes: From "Review of Contract Year 2021 Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefit offerings," a Milliman analysis of CMS reports. "CY" is contract year.